Hello Friend, On this last day of November, I pray that you are having a wonderful time. :)
Glad you came in to read this message. So today's devotion is simple but profound. So, here it is, I am going to start with a Question - Where is your hope resting in? Is it resting in Christ Jesus or in the rush of this world?
Take a moment to think about it. It is a serious question, questioning your heart's condition.
If our eyes have learnt to behold and our hearts to love the Lord whom we have not seen, amid all the bewildering glares and false appearances of the present, our hopes will happily discern Him and be at rest, amid the splendors of that solemn hour when He shall come in His glory to render to every man according to His works.
What blessed hope to those who believe in Jesus and is awaiting His coming. With that hope the future, near or far, we who belongs to the Lord have nothing to fear. Without it, there is no real anchorage for our trembling hearts, and nothing to hold by when the storm comes. The alternative is before each of us, ‘having no hope,’ or ‘looking for that blessed hope.’ God help us all to believe that Christ has come for us! Then I shall be glad when I think that Christ will come again to receive us unto Himself!
Truly, my sweet friend, in the end, you will find that Jesus is our only Hope. He is our Blessed assurance. A constant friend in need. He is our guide, our strength and our redeemer. Those of us who leave everything in God's hands will eventually see God's hand in everything. In due season all things will fall in pleasant places. Trust HIM. Put your Faith and Hope in Him alone. Continue to seek His face for He is coming soon. Wait patiently with good cheer. Stay connected in His word, obey, pray and give thanks at all times. He is righteous and His compassion over you is everlasting. Call on Him and He will answer you in the perfect moment. Don't lose hope when others take advantage of you but cling onto Jesus. He will smooth everything out for you. He will sustain you and protect you forever.
Let's Pray, shall we?
Dear Lord,
I continue to place my hope in you. You are my God my Lord. Your plans for me are always good and perfect. I continue to trust you and believe in you. I love you. Thank you for your good plans over my life. Please guide me to your everlasting path. I await your coming. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.
Bible verse of the day:
"while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed." - Titus 2:13
I pray this message blessed you. Keep trusting Him and have Faith! Stay blessed. Be encouraged. Put your hope in Jesus for You are cared and loved much by the Lord. Stay Blessed and Enjoy a great day today.
Question to Ponder:
What does it mean for your heart to be tuned to Jesus? And are you constantly waiting for His coming? Share in the comments below. Thank you.
Devotional by: Team I Love Psalms
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