Did Jesus marry on this earth? and Why? - Bible Quiz

Did Jesus marry on this earth and Why? - Bible Quiz 


ANSWER: NO, Jesus did not marry.  

Scripture never mentions why Jesus never married, but, some of the possibilities are:

(Isaiah 52:13–53:12; 1 Peter 1:19–20; Luke 18:31–33) - These Bible verses share that Jesus knew He came to die and to deliver the people from sin. If He married, and had children, He would leave back a widow and kids to be reared alone. He do not want to cause deliberate pain and heartache. Also, His widow most likely would have been  idolized, celebrated as the holy one and likely physically endangered because of her relationship with Jesus.

Another reason is that He is preparing a heavenly home (John 14:2–3), readying for His bride the Church a perfect and eternal place of protection.

Also, Jesus did not marry because He only had a very short time on this earth. His purpose was never to build a kingdom here on this earth (John 18:36) and His demanding travel and work load would have prevented Him from rightly fulfilling the roles of husband and father. A wife would have been a distraction to Jesus’ primary mission. A married Jesus would have had to regard His wife’s needs above those of the world that He came to rescue. (see 1 Corinthians 7:32–35).

Jesus kept Himself for His true, eternal Bride. If He had married, He would have contradicted and undermined His ministry to all. This would have raised some confusing uncertainties. 

Jesus did not marry because human marriage was not necessary to His mission of saving the world. Although marriage is a picture of Christ’s relationship with the church (see Ephesians 5:31–32), it is only a temporary state in light of eternity.

Jesus came to this earth for a specific purpose that is to save mankind, to save you and me. He is God AlMIGHTY! Prince of Peace! king of kings! He is divine all in all! Praise God! 

I pray this message gave you some insight. God bless. 


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