Hello month of June -- May you bring Peace and Love! ♡


"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." - Philippians 4:6 

Start this month with a fresh prespective towards life. 

Put your Past behind. 

Ask God to grant you peace to accept the things that you cannot change. 

Ask God for courage to change the things you can. 

And ask God for wisdom to understand and to proceed things according to His will. 

Be present within yourself and when chatting with God be present to His words wholly. 

Let the days and months flow with His grace. 

Expect joy. 

Do not be anxious but be spirit-filled and God-confident. 

Serve with compassion. 

Speak only Kindness. 

Impart love. 

Never give up Hope. 

Give thanks at all times. 

See goodness in others. 

Keep on Praising and Praying. 

Stay rooted and rested in God's blessed assurance. 

May you be present in the moment for all the blessings that God has planned to shower on you this month. 

God bless. 


Dear God, 

This month I want to submit all my lifestyles to you. I want to surrender everything about me, my heart, my mind, and my thoughts. Transform me into a new person by changing the way I think and the way I speak. Take away all anxiousness and pour your peace and love over my life. I don't want to be anxious but to trust you always. In Jesus name, Amen. 

New Month Devotion by Team I Love Psalms


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