We can Fight and Win ALL our battles on our knees! Amen.

Dear Lord God, I give myself to you! Thank you for hearing out my cry and my prayers! Thank you for battling all my battles for me. I can find rest in you and comfort from you. You have rescued me all the time. Thank you Lord for hearing me out. I love you. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen. 

Adapted from Life Principle 8Charles.F. Stanley

Fight all your battles on your knees and you win every time.

Resistance in prayer is the biblical approach to confronting and overcoming the devil. Peter wrote, “But resist him, firm in your faith” (1 Pet. 5:9). James echoed this teaching: “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:7-8). Both Peter and James make clear that we are to actively resist evil through our persevering prayers. On the surface, resistance may appear to be passive. In practice, it is anything but passive. It is an active stance, both intentional and powerful.

Resistance is first and foremost a firm decision to join the struggle against evil in prayer, rather than turning away, backing off, or retreating. Such resistance takes strength and courage. It also takes patience and perseverance. That’s why Luke includes a parable designed to teach us “at all times [we] ought to pray and not to lose heart” (Luke 18:1). Peter and James point to two key words at the heart of our ability to resist the devil through our prayers: submission to God and faith. 

Submission to God is saying, “I can’t, but You can.” In our battlefield prayers we might say, “Lord, I can’t defeat the devil on my own. But with You I can.” This is the position the apostle Paul took when he said, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13).

Faith is saying to God, “I believe You will.” In our battle to overcome the enemy, we might pray this way: “I believe You will defeat the enemy and cause him to flee from me as I resist him and put my trust in You.” Again and again, David made this declaration of faith to the Lord: “O my God, in You I trust” (Ps. 25:2; also 31:6; 55:23; 56:3; 143:8). Perfect faith views the battle as being done and God gaining the victory. When David said, “In You I trust,” he meant: “It is done. Lord, You are perfect in nature. You do all things well. And You have victory over all my enemies.” He had absolute faith in God’s ability. There was no hint of “I hope He will” because David knew it was as good as done.

The good news is that God has given each of us a measure of faith to develop. He also gives us the ability to trust Him and surrender our lives to Him. We can stand firm and resist the enemy, but only by the power of God. He is the One who hears our prayers and rushes to our defense. When we pray, Satan flees.


  1. God know our heart desired and he will answer our prayer any time any moment .


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