Just Ask! that's all!

Dear Lord, 
I will trust to follow you and trust that my strength is in you forever and this will be my confidence. Help me O Lord to Ask you for more love in my heart. To ask me to help you lean into you and to ask you to help me see what I see—what your roots look like, how you care for me, how you do more than just help me to stand. Yes Lord, I ask you to produce the fruit of the spirit in me. Thank you for taking care of me gently. Bless me to be strong and courageous in you alone and may my confidence rest in you. Create in me a clean heart and a pure mind. May your power reside in me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

Whatever you ask for in Prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. - Mark 11:24


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